the menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight


Are you battling with weight gain during menopause and don’t know how to optimize your diet? Studies suggest that following a specific diet can help manage your weight effectively.

This article will guide you through this specialized meal plan, explaining which foods to include for optimum health and why they’re beneficial. Learn how to lose weight after menopause with this step-by-step guide.

Key Takeaways

  • The Menopause Diet 5 Day  Plan focuses on including protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits, as well as herbs and spices to effectively manage weight loss during menopause.
  • Foods to include in the diet plan are adequate protein sources like lean meats and plant-based proteins, healthy fats from sources like oily fish and avocados, complex carbohydrates from whole grains, a variety of vegetables and fruits for essential nutrients, and herbs and spices for flavor and potential health benefits.
  • Foods to limit in the menopause diet plan include fatty meats, whole milk products like cheese or ice cream, foods with excess sugar content like processed snacks or baked goods, and moderation of alcohol intake.
  • The 5 day meal plan provides a detailed breakdown of meals for each day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Each day emphasizes protein intake along with balanced portions of healthy fats and moderate amounts of carbs for effective weight loss during menopause.

The Basics of the Menopause Diet

The menopause diet focuses on including protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits, as well as herbs and spices to effectively manage weight loss.

Foods to Include: Protein, Healthy Fats, Complex Carbohydrates, Vegetables and Fruits, Herbs and Spices

The menopause diet comprises various crucial food groups to manage symptoms and promote effective weight loss. These include:

  1. Protein: Women undergoing menopause should prioritize incorporating adequate protein in their diet. The role of protein extends beyond muscle maintenance and repair; it’s essential for hormonal balance, which is often disrupted during menopause.
  2. Healthy Fats: Foods rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats are integral to the menopause diet. These include oily fish, olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. Healthy fats aid in hormone production and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  3. Complex Carbohydrates: Choose whole-grain foods such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, barley, quinoa, or rye. These complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy and help regulate blood sugar levels.
  4. Vegetables and Fruits: A diet rich in vegetables, along with calcium and soy, can potentially improve bone health where osteoporosis risk spikes.
  5. Herbs and Spices: Adding a variety of herbs and spices provides not just enhanced flavor but also potential health benefits associated with these natural ingredients.

Foods to Limit

You should be careful about eating habits, including limiting certain foods to maintain a healthy weight and alleviate symptoms. Here are some foods you should put a hold on in your menopause diet in order to lose weight:

  1. Fatty Meats: High-fat meats can contribute to weight gain and increased cholesterol levels.
  2. Whole Milk: While it’s a source of essential nutrients, it may also increase fat intake if not consumed in moderation.
  3. Ice Cream: It’s packed with sugars and unhealthy fats, which can sabotage your weight loss goal.
  4. Cheese: Like ice cream, cheese contains high amounts of counterproductive fats for weight loss.
  5. Foods Containing Excess Sugar: Processed foods, candies, baked goods, or any food with high sugar content can inflate your calorie intake leading to weight gain.
  6. Alcohol: Moderation is key, as excessive intake can lead to dehydration and higher calorie consumption.

The Menopause Diet 5 Day Plan To Lose Weight

The 5-Day Meal Plan provides a detailed plan for each day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

DayBreakfastMid-Morning SnackLunchAfternoon SnackDinnerSupper
1Oatmeal with berriesGreek yogurtGrilled chicken saladAlmondsSteamed fish with vegetablesHerbal tea
2Whole grain toast with avocadoFresh fruit cupQuinoa and veggie bowlHummus with carrot sticksLentil soupChamomile tea
3Scrambled eggs with spinachCottage cheeseTurkey lettuce wrapsCelery with peanut butterStir-fried tofu with broccoliGreen tea
4Chia seed puddingHard-boiled eggTomato soup with whole grain rollGreek yogurt with honeyBaked salmon with asparagusPeppermint tea
5Smoothie (kale, almond milk, protein powder, berries)Mixed nutsVegetable omeletteFresh fruit saladGrilled shrimp with quinoaLemon water

Detailed Recipes:

Day 1

  1. Oatmeal with Berries: 190-250 calories.
    • 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
    • 1 cup water or almond milk
    • 1/2 cup mixed berries (like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries)
    • 1 tsp honey or maple syrup (optional)
    • A pinch of salt
    • Directions: Cook oats in water or milk until soft. Top with berries and sweetener if desired.
  2. Grilled Chicken Salad: 535 calories
    • 1 chicken breast, grilled and sliced
    • 2 cups mixed greens
    • 1/2 cucumber, sliced
    • 1 tomato, chopped
    • 1/4 cup feta cheese
    • 1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar as dressing
    • Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and toss with dressing.
  3. Steamed Fish with Vegetables: 282-332 calories
    • 1 fish fillet (like tilapia or cod)
    • Mixed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, bell peppers)
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 lemon slice
    • Seasoning: salt, pepper, garlic powder
    • Directions: Steam fish and vegetables until cooked. Drizzle with olive oil and seasonings.

Day 2

  1. Whole Grain Toast with Avocado: 394 calories
    • 2 slices of whole grain toast
    • 1 ripe avocado, mashed
    • Salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of chili flakes
    • Directions: Toast bread. Spread mashed avocado. Season as desired.
  2. Quinoa and Veggie Bowl: 272-322 calories
    • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
    • Mixed veggies (zucchini, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, corn)
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • Seasoning: salt, pepper, cumin, paprika
    • Directions: Sauté vegetables in olive oil. Mix with quinoa and seasonings.
  3. Lentil Soup: 230 calories
    • 1 cup lentils
    • 1 onion, diced
    • 2 carrots, chopped
    • 2 celery stalks, chopped
    • 4 cups vegetable broth
    • 1 tsp cumin
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Directions: Sauté onions in oil until translucent. Add other veggies and cook for a few minutes. Add lentils, broth, and seasonings. Simmer until lentils are tender.

Day 3

  1. Scrambled Eggs with Spinach: 220 calories
    • 2 large eggs
    • 1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Directions: In a pan, heat olive oil and sauté spinach until wilted. Whisk eggs and pour over spinach. Scramble until fully cooked. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Turkey Lettuce Wraps: 190 calories
    • 2 large lettuce leaves
    • 4 slices of turkey breast
    • 1/2 avocado, sliced
    • 1 tomato, sliced
    • 1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
    • 1 tsp mustard or hummus (optional)
    • Directions: Lay out lettuce leaves. Layer turkey slices, avocado, tomato, and onion on each. Add a dab of mustard or hummus if desired. Roll up and enjoy.
  3. Stir-fried Tofu with Broccoli: 278 calories
    • 1 cup firm tofu, cubed
    • 1 cup broccoli florets
    • 2 tbsp soy sauce
    • 1 tbsp sesame oil
    • 1 garlic clove, minced
    • Directions: Heat oil in a pan. Add garlic and sauté for a minute. Add tofu cubes and fry until golden. Add broccoli and soy sauce. Stir-fry until broccoli is tender.

Day 4

  1. Chia Seed Pudding: 218-238 calories
    • 3 tbsp chia seeds
    • 1 cup almond milk
    • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1 tbsp maple syrup or honey
    • Directions: In a bowl, mix chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla, and sweetener. Let sit in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. Stir before serving.
  2. Tomato Soup with Whole Grain Roll: 230 calories
    • 1 can of diced tomatoes
    • 1 onion, diced
    • 1 garlic clove, minced
    • 2 cups vegetable broth
    • Salt, pepper, and basil to taste
    • 1 whole grain roll
    • Directions: Sauté onion and garlic until translucent. Add tomatoes, broth, and seasonings. Simmer for 20 minutes. Blend until smooth. Serve with a roll.
  3. Baked Salmon with Asparagus: 387-407 calories
    • 1 salmon fillet
    • 1 bunch of asparagus, trimmed
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Directions: Place salmon and asparagus on a baking sheet. Drizzle with oil, lemon zest, and juice. Season with salt and pepper. Bake at 375°F (190°C) for 20 minutes or until salmon is cooked through.

Day 5

  1. Kale Almond Berry Smoothie: 194-214 calories
    • 1 cup kale, stems removed
    • 1 cup almond milk
    • 1 scoop protein powder
    • 1/2 cup mixed berries
    • 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
    • Directions: Blend all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Vegetable Omelette: 260-310 calories
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1/4 cup bell pepper, diced
    • 1/4 cup tomatoes, diced
    • 1/4 cup onions, diced
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Directions: Sauté veggies in olive oil until tender. Whisk eggs and pour over veggies. Cook until set, then flip and cook the other side.
  3. Grilled Shrimp with Quinoa: 353 calories
    • 1 cup shrimp, peeled and deveined
    • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 lemon, juiced
    • Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
    • Directions: Season shrimp with salt, pepper, and paprika. Grill until pink and opaque. Serve over quinoa drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice.

Tips for Meal Prepping and Grocery List

To make meal prepping and grocery shopping easier while following the 5-Day Menopause Diet Plan, consider the following tips:

  1. Plan your meals in advance: Take some time to sit down and plan out your meals for the week. This will help you stay organized and avoid making impulsive food choices.
  2. Make a grocery list: Before heading to the store, create a detailed grocery list based on the ingredients needed for each meal. This will save you time and ensure you have everything on hand when it’s time to cook.
  3. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store: When shopping, stay on the outer aisles where fresh produce, lean meats, and dairy are usually found. This will help you focus on buying whole foods instead of processed or packaged items.
  4. Choose seasonal and local produce: Opt for fruits and vegetables that are in season as they tend to be fresher, more flavorful, and often cheaper. Additionally, consider supporting local farmers by purchasing their produce whenever possible.
  5. Stock up on healthy snacks: Fill your pantry with nutritious options such as nuts, seeds, Greek yogurt, or pre-cut veggies. These will prevent you from reaching for unhealthy alternatives when hunger strikes.
  6. Cook in bulk: Save time during the week by preparing larger portions of certain dishes that can be easily reheated for leftovers or frozen for future meals. This is particularly helpful if you have a busy schedule or want to minimize cooking throughout the week.
  7. Invest in quality storage containers: Purchase good quality containers that are microwave-safe and leak-proof so you can easily pack your prepped meals for work or outings without worrying about spills or reheating methods.
  8. Label and organize your fridge: Properly label your prepped meals or ingredients in clear containers with dates so it’s easy to grab what you need throughout the week without any confusion.
  9. Prep ingredients in advance: Wash and chop vegetables, cook grains or protein sources, or pre-portion snacks beforehand. This will save you valuable time during the week when you’re in a rush.
  10. Stay hydrated: Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day and keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can also help with weight loss.

Pillars of Weight Loss in Menopause

The Pillars of Weight Loss in Menopause include incorporating suitable exercises for elderly women, following a 5-day exercise regime, ensuring enough rest, reducing stress levels, and getting good nutrition.

Exercising: types of exercises suitable for elderly women

Exercise is essential for elderly women to maintain physical health, improve mental health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and promote overall well-being. Here’s a breakdown of suitable types of exercises for elderly women:

  1. Aerobic or Cardiovascular Exercise:
    • Walking: One of the simplest yet effective exercises. Walking improves cardiovascular health and helps maintain a healthy weight.
    • Water Aerobics: Being in water reduces stress on the joints, making it easier to perform movements. This is particularly beneficial for those with arthritis or joint pain.
    • Cycling: Using a stationary bike can be a safe way to get cardiovascular benefits without stressing the joints.
    • Dancing: This can be both fun and an excellent way to stay active. Join a dance class or simply dance at home to your favorite tunes.
  2. Strength Training:
    • Resistance Bands: These are great tools for building strength. They’re versatile, safe, and easy to use.
    • Light Weights: Start with lightweight dumbbells and gradually increase as strength improves.
    • Chair Exercises: Using the resistance of your body, you can do leg lifts, seated marches, and more.
    • Wall Push-Ups: These are gentler on the joints than traditional push-ups and still help build upper body strength.
  3. Flexibility and Stretching:
    • Yoga: There are many forms of yoga, some of which are tailored for seniors. It improves flexibility, balance, and mental well-being.
    • Pilates: It focuses on core strength, flexibility, and balance.
    • Static Stretches: Regular stretches for all major muscle groups can improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.
  4. Balance Exercises: Falls are a significant risk for the elderly. Enhancing balance can reduce this risk.
    • Tai Chi: An ancient Chinese martial art that focuses on slow, controlled movements. It’s excellent for improving balance and relaxation.
    • Standing on One Leg: This simple exercise can be done anywhere and is effective for improving balance.
    • Heel-to-Toe Walk: Walking in a straight line, placing the heel of one foot directly in front of the toes of the other foot with each step.
  5. Functional Fitness: These exercises mimic everyday tasks and help elderly women maintain their independence.
    • Squats: Mimicking the act of sitting down and standing up. This can be done using a chair for support.
    • Reaching and Bending Movements: Simulating actions like picking up items from the floor or reaching for something on a shelf.
  6. Bone Density Exercises: Particularly important for elderly women who may be at risk of osteoporosis.
    • Weight-bearing Exercises: Such as walking or light jogging.
    • Strength Training: Especially resistance training which can help maintain or even increase bone density.

When starting any exercise regimen, it’s essential to:

  • Consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that the exercises chosen are safe and appropriate for the individual’s health condition.
  • Start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration.
  • Listen to the body. If something feels painful or doesn’t seem right, it’s essential to stop and seek advice.
  • Stay hydrated and wear appropriate footwear.
  • Stay consistent for the best results.

Incorporating a mix of these exercises into a weekly routine can help elderly women stay active, healthy, and independent. Menopausal women may have belly fat too, due to hormonal changes. You may want to learn about menopause belly exercises.


In conclusion, the Ultimate 5-Day Menopause Diet Plan for Effective Weight Loss provides a practical and healthy approach to managing menopausal symptoms while achieving weight loss goals.

By following this meal plan, incorporating nutritious foods, and engaging in suitable exercises, women can experience positive changes in their overall well-being. Take charge of your health during menopause with this simple yet effective diet plan!


1. Can the 5-day menopause diet plan help with weight loss?

Yes, the 5-day menopause diet plan is specifically designed to support effective weight loss during menopause by targeting hormonal changes and metabolism shifts that can affect weight management.

2. What foods should I include in the 5-day menopause diet plan?

The 5-day menopause diet plan emphasizes whole, nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. It also encourages hydration through water intake.

3. Are there any specific foods to avoid on the 5-day menopause diet plan?

Certain foods may exacerbate symptoms during menopause and hinder weight loss progress. These include processed sugars, refined carbohydrates, excessive caffeine, alcohol, and high-fat foods.

4. Can exercise be incorporated into the 5-day menopause diet plan for better results?

Absolutely! Combining regular physical activity with a balanced diet is essential for optimal weight loss during menopause. Exercise helps boost metabolism, maintain muscle mass, and improve mood and sleep patterns – all of which can contribute to successful weight management.

By Dr Nurul

Hi. Welcome to my blog 4 Healthy Solutions. I'm Dr Nurul , a General Practitioner. I graduated from Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia. I have a genuine passion for holistic health and well-being. My mission is to inspire, educate, and support individuals just like you to reach your full potential. My goal is to focus on the interplay between physical, emotional, and mental health to create a balance that fosters overall wellbeing. My approach will be targeted towards lifestyle modification , alternative medicine and nutrition.

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